Tuesday, October 1, 2013

COaB 6; Mother Goose's Skins


Usually I only do clothes, since well getting a good look together consists mainly of clothes, right? Well, I thought about it a little more and I don't think that's right. I find my av to look cute in just about anything... and in nothing, to be honest. <///<; But that's because I -really- love the skin I wear. When I thought more about it, to when I started and was unsure whether or not I wanted to put money into this game and was running around in a free skin I realized I didn't much like anything on myself back then.

A good skin and some make-up and/or eye lashes can really make or break a look. Even in gift hair, or gift clothes... the skin is what really pulls it all together.

I mentioned before a bunch of free and 1L skins from a place called Mother Goose. Well today I not only put a look together for you guys WEARING (yes omg I changed) one of their free skins from a LB, but I also dolled up a few of the free skins that I liked with some free make-ups and my usual lashes so you all can see how much of a difference adding just a little bit can make to the over all look of your avatar.

I didn't go for a gift hair in the outfit because I really thought this hair looked adorable on the whole look. I've had it for a long time and have never successfully used it in something until now. I really do love it. Aside from the hair which is $250L for a color pack, the shoes are $5L and that's the most expensive thing worn! Even the skin is FREE.

Here's a look at some more Mother Goose Skins. First ones are dolled up using some free make-up and my lashes (Which are only 49L and my go to since I think they're perfect, but I'm sure others can be found on the MP for less.)

The first pictures are the dolled up ones, and the ones beside it are the skins themselves as you get them from the Lbs or the 1L you pay for them. :]

Not only am I going to give you the goods to the outfit I wore for this coab, but I'm also going to link you to most of the free make-ups I used. If I forgot one, feel free to IM me to get the name of the designer who made it! <3


Body Stuffs;

Browns Pack
Black Stars

Moran LB

Eyes and lashes are the same as always.

Clothing Stuffs;


Opening gift

Extra Stuffs && Accessories;

Bracelets, socks, leg warmers, necklace, and earrings are all from Edge Grafica 



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