Thursday, November 21, 2013

Kawaii hunt is almost over!

So I woke up and it's worse! Blood tests tomorrow to see if I have mono (Which I had in the 7th grade), the mumps (Which I'm pretty sure I got a shot for before school), or lyme disease (Even though I wasn't bitten by a tick). YAAAY.

It's been nice here in MA. Like 60s. Made me want to make a nice walk in a cute fall outfit. SO I MADE ONE ON SL. :'D!

A few of these items I found on the Kawaii hunt~ You have another 3 days to get these items so go, go, go!

Man I've been working on this all day on and off, butbut I went to a world super market and got yummy asian treats and had sushi for dinner. Now I feel as content and comfortable (as I can be) as this look makes me feel mentally!

I'll have to apologize now for possibly disappearing for the rest of the week... I'm really not feeling well but I'm going to try to keep posting!


Body Stuffs;
Bella in Browns by Truth

Clothing Stuffs

Limited Knit for the Kawaii Hunt by Soup
Suspender Pants in Grey by Ribbon
Hiver Boots in Red by Lo*Momo

Extras && Accessories

::Hair Bow::
Syuri in Black by booN
::Necklace 1::
Horror Necklace Raven in Red by Cute Poison !!Gacha!!!
::Necklace 2::
Potion #14 by Witches & Rats !!Gacha!!!
::Bracelet 1::
Multi Chain Bracelets in Silver by Fusion
::Bracelet 2::
Spiked Bracelets in Metal 2 by O.M.E.N
::Bracelet 3::
Boo Bracelet #5 by Witches & Rats !!Gacha!!!
::Ring 1::
Udon cup of Noodles ring by Love Soul
::Ring 2::
Cross ring in Black by Room Of Amo
::Ring 3::
Hello Bow in Black by Candy Doll
Rock Belt by Kuroi Hane (Now {M}alice & {M}alice)
::Belly Ring::
Linked Hearts Belly Piercing by Phoebe
Coffee2go by Noirilicious
Holy Lamp by Coucou !!Kawaii Hunt gift!!!

The wreath I'm on in the first picture is also a kawai hunt gift as are the slink nail appliers being worn with the outfit. Happy hunting!


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