Thursday, September 5, 2013

Failing but still loving RMK!

So I've done a terrible job this week at posting every week, but rl has been hectic. My lolita blog also suffers from me being behind because of it. However I won't even pretend the rest of the week is going to be any better! XD As usual I am away on the weekends and my love has taken this friday off, so I will be gone from Friday until Monday~

Monday is a heavy cleaning day for me usually, but as of next Tuesday I am back to making a post a day! (I've even taken pictures and stuff, just haven't thrown them together!)

When I got RMK's Wonderland in red to match Lovebug, I also got it in blue for myself, which is what I wore to Friday's Lolita meet which was a smashing success! (In my opinion~)

It got me looking at real life lolita dresses. HNNNGG <3

A little different than what I threw together for the red, but I love it just as much. <33!!

Notecards for this look aren't going to be available until Tuesday September 10th.

I'll try and post my cutie swimsuit from my lolita group's beach party tomorrow as well!! If not, next week.



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