Thursday, September 26, 2013

Elegant in G Field

This is an outfit I've wanted to blog for a while, but let's face it I'm a lazy chobit. :x

I'm also still not feeling well, but I'm determined to keep up with this!

For the Lolita groups last meet we did a Gothic Lolita theme for which Psyche, Saka, and I tripletted. Welooksocute.

One of the members and a friend of mine, Rose, opened her house as a lolita hang out. I love the themes she goes for when she decorated. Usually I just toss toys all over my room and call it a day. XD!

Keeping it short again, because I'm snoozy.

Because I'm not feeling well, I'm not jumping back and forth 100 times for LMs, but if you want them contact me in world and I will be happy to send. :]

Dress; Julia in green by G Field
Hair; Daylilly by Rosy Mood
Stockings; Woolen lace stockings in dark grey by Sassy Kitty Designs
Hair Ribbon; Ribbon B from Lo*Momo's mesh hair Ajuga.
Necklace; Key to my heart by Chaos, Panic, and Disorder.
Shoes; Ribbon Sling Back in dark green by G Field.
(I like these, can you tell?)

As always my skin, eyes, and lashes are the same and my shape is not for sale.

Let's hope I feel better tomorrow, hm? ;A;


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