Thursday, July 10, 2014

Quickie Lolita Love

Qickie before bed! New Lolita Store's hit the Market Place. Called Lis. :'D! <3 Loliiitaaaa~

I had to make myself a lot taller than I'd want to for this dress to work and the shoulders are a bit puffy for my tastes but it's ALLLLLLL original mesh!! ^__^ I'm very excited to see new from this new store, so let's cheer her on! Other goodies are from around the grid so pay attention to the credits!


Body Stuffs;

Hope in D Tone by The Sugar Garden
Nemo in naturals 1 by LCKY
Bionic Eye in Forest by Foresight !!!New @ Nexus Event!!!
Human teeth in Sexy by Shine
Brandee By Loud Mouth
Lip Appliers by The Sugar Garden
Hope Lips in D Tone
Kawaii Lashes by FTL
Starry Lashes by Lovely Alien
Splayed L & Casual R Hands worn by Slink
Nail Appliers by Nova Nails
Butterfly Nails !!Now @ Nexus Event!!!
Flat Feet by Slink Worn

Clothing Stuffs;
Vintage Lolita Dress in Blue by Lis !!New Lolita Store!!!
Vintage Mock Stocking Tights in Blue by Cannibelle
Wednesdays in White by Reign !!Now @ Manga Fair!!!

Extras && Accessories;

Candle Light Dinner Bracer in Silver by Enfant Terrible !!Gacha!!!
Crown Ring in Gold by Emporium !!Gacha!!!
::Ring 2::
Rose Ring by Imeka !!Now @ Chapter 4!!!
::Ring 3::
Mr. Yin Ring by Kosh
::Ring 4::
Knuckle Ring in Point/Gold by GFD
Biscuit Bag in Ivory by Violent Seduction
Imp Maid by Pantsu Hunter !!Now @ Manga Fair!!!
Chesire Pet in Blue by Geek !!Now @ One Word!!!
Nexus Earring in gold by Luminary !!Now @ Nexus Event!!!

Poses by Glitter Burps


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