Friday, January 30, 2015

Hometown Hero

It feels really good to help people, I gotta say. Since we're going to pick up Saka tomorrow to move her in with us, I feel like a bit of a hometown hero... which makes me think of old movies. Clealry I'm -not- a hometown hero, I'm a Sakakakakakakaka hero, buuut I went with the old movie theme anyway and made a cutsie 'high school' type outfit for myself. In the picture I'm wearing Maitreya Lara which The Sugar Garden now has appliers for, as well as some belatedly shown Elf ears which were a FREE add on for the Tsu & Mizu mesh heads released. It's been a while since I gave you some Sugar, but the Sugarplum has been busy as always so don't forget to stop by! Outfit is by MotiAme and was out at The Seasons Story. ;~; I really like it because big jackets like this and sweaters are what I always dreamed of wearing when I thought of High School when I was little.

Body Stuffs;

D Tone by The Sugar Garden !!Maitreya Appliers are NEW!!!
Emily Hair in Hud01 by Chemistry
Pure Eyes in Green by Angelica
Mizu in D Tone by The Sugar Garden !!Elf Ears Free Add On. Grab Redelivery!!!
Flutter Falsies by Candy Mountain
Starry Eyelashes by Lovely Alien
Lara by Maitreya
Hands & Feet by Slink
Nail Appliers by Love Soul
White Dot nails in Red !!New @ Creator Collection Box!!!

Clothing Stuffs;
Sailor Stadium Jacket & Colored Shorts by MotiAme
Nylon Leggings in #07 by Suicidal Unborn
Fett Plats in Crimson by Reign !!New @ N21!!!

Extras && Accessories;
Winter Sea Pups in MooMoo by Half-Deer !!Gacha @ Winter Trend!!!
The Rounded Bow in Red by Olive !!New @ N21!!!
Kitty Wrap ring in Silver (7) & ZigZag Ring in Silver (8) by Pr!tty !!Gacha @ The Gacha mania!!!
Crss Face & Pelvis (Moved to collar bone) piercing in Black by Punch

Hanging Elephant décor in Boho RARE by Free Bird !!Gacha!!!!


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