Friday, May 18, 2018

Wild Child!

There's been a bike theme and while I am not SL aware enough to know why, I wanted to play too! Oddly enough, I've been teaching my friend Marvie some photoshop here and there because he's got his own custom cycles shop he's super invested in at the moment~ With a total of 30 bikes already available, Marvie also takes custom orders for bikes. Currently he's working with full perm mesh pieces but is learning blender~

Anyho that's whose bikes I had out for my shot because a lot of them seemed very similar in color and theme. Marvie's are all over and very colorful, which I really like! I'll leave the location of his shops below for anyone interested but for now, this gorgeous coat is from Pixicat, the outfit's a flf catch from Moon Elixer, and the hair was a flf catch from Doe. I've been living the FLF life for a while because it's the only time I feel like leaving my platform. Cute meshies for low prices! I almost always find new stuff from the stores too, which I love. The road being used was a new find by Blue Sky that's on FLF THIS week. Building's from Minimal, tree and flowered path's are from Hayabusaaaaa. Full and actual details below I feel like I'm rambly!

Marv's Shops

Body Stuffs;

Kyoko in Mixed Type by DeeTalez
Demon Eyes by Zombie Suicide
Tin Doll Hands by Cureless
Tala by Catwa W/ Custom shape by me
Peyton in Browns by Doe
Mesh Ears by Pumec

Clothing Stuffs;
Aurora Flamin' Hot by Moon Elixer
Night Jacket in Black by Pixicat
Sammy Boots by Blueberry

Extras && Accessories;
Crucius Halo Butterflies by Cubic Cherry !!Gacha!!!
Crucius Cross Bindi by Cubic Cherry !!Gacha!!!
Crucius Cross Necklace by Cubic Cherry !!Gacha!!!
::Cheek Bandaid::
Cheek Bandaid by Zombie Suicide
Tri Septum Piercing by Zombie Suicide
Simple Cig by Zombie Suicide !!Gacha!!!
Wired Eye Patch by Cubic Cherry
::Body Glitter::
Stripper Dust by Cynful


MINIMAL - Rotting Bull Bar
M2SCC Conjurering Ronove Bike
M2S CC One Wicked Web
From Outta No Where Bike
M2SCC White Mage Tank Bike
[-BLUE SKY-] Urban Road – (12)
Hayabusa Design - Foliage low walkpath Top
Hayabusa Design - Foliage low walkpath Top
Hayabusa Design - Follow a path M18-1 v1-2 short 0 HPE
Destrier by Design - Eastern Asia Modular Wall Kit – Wall
Hayabusa Design - Fairy Willow Tree M16-1 v1-3 P1G


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