Monday, May 14, 2018

Ready & Waiting

Hello beloveds~ How have you all been? I've been a busy bee, workin' away but I've found that in my spare time cleaning my inventory is really soothing...x3 In doing so I found some amazing things by Alaskametro<3 and a gorgeous set of body water by Izzies that I had been sleeping on. After wearing them, I'm like woooah! I hope you're not sleeping on these because they're gorgeeous! Both have materials working with them and allow for a shine and environmental change on them based on SL's materials system. I've been booty dancing to Sync'd Motion dances for days in this lingerie, and then took it off to get a little intimate for you my baes. ;D;D

It's really so you can see the body glitters/water better, my legs were super covered in the first and I added rain, poorly might I add, via photo editing. x3 Crystal clear in the second for ya! <3 Night night!!

Body Stuffs;

Kyoko in Mixed Type by DeeTalez
Subtle Freckles by Buzzeri (For Catwa)
Fiori Eyes in Dark Hazel and Purple by Song !!New @ K9 Tomorrow!!!
Freya with hands& feet by Belleza
Tala by Catwa W/ Custom shape by me
Tangerine in Browns by Moon
Shiny Ears by Swallow

Clothing Stuffs;
Gardinia Lingerie in set 04 by Alaskametro<3
!!Comes with Stockings<3!!

Extras && Accessories;
Pentagram Ear Weight by Zombie Suicide
::Tears & Drool::
Dirty Secrets
::Body Wetness::
Wet Body HUD by Izzie's
::Body Glitter::
Kathleen's soft body shimmer
Stripper Dust by Cynful
Floating Elf Necklace Iridescent Sky by Black Bantam
Cadence Ballgag by Cubic Cherry
Kaori Bindi by Cubic Cherry


is actually my personal skybox and there's a lot in there and I'm lazy so I'mma spat out that which I remember x'D
Bed is from Stockholm and Lima's crush set, as is the armchair.
Skybox is the Paris Penthouse 2.0 by BA
blanket on the bed is messy cat blanket/rug in pink by Half Deer
Picture is wallframe by CandyDoll Gacha and was a gift from my loving Dolly <3
the shelf goodies are chrono's promise and bottled thought by Cubic Cherry
Divider is fantasy divider by atooly
Rain on Building and windows not drawn by me is by Milk Motion


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