Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Kawaii Couture at the Candy Factory!

Now, I don't run around much on second life for a variety of reasons, but there are a few things I can't turn down. CANDY IS ONE OF THEM~

However, I didn't actually go to the candy factory... so I can't tell you much about the event.

I can, however, show you the stuff my friend has for sale at the candy factory and give you a SLURL (That's fun to say aloud, by the way) to her beach store that has a lm to the candy factory! :D

I made three different looks from the stuff she has for sale there, for only &&75L!

One used the dress, which is a cute remake of her Rockabilly Dolly outfit using her new swimsuit.

I still -love- the silky look of the texture and the folds of the skirt. Everything on this outfit minus the hair, my skin, and shape (Of course) are all Kawaii Couture. The extra bows on the outfit are not currently available as being someone who frequents the store gets paid off really well with random freebies given away. The anklets, bracelets, rings, and necklace are also not available currently. PLEASE DO NOT BUG THE OWNER ABOUT THEM. Plus who knows if she'll make them available for sale anyway in time. Just keep an eye out and pop into her store!

The swimsuit itself is super cute, and makes all grily curves look really nice. I don't usually expose so much skin, but for the sake of letting people see the adorable lines in the swimsuits I exposed myself! ;A;!! Again, the bows on the hips and on the chest/back are not currently available, but keep checking in because she likes to pop things in and out to reward those who enjoy her world for what it is and don't just shop and run.

There is a lot of really cute and fun things in the store, which I will show off more later. For now, I'll show you the adorable bubble from her Juicy Cute gum that's available!

It's fun to sit in and lounge around when you're busy in IMs or building or just about anything except moving around with your avatar since it keeps floating around all adorably~

Her Candy Factory stuff represents the things she's been doing on her sim as of lately.

The entire ground floor is an awesome beach at the moment, with a soda pop (DoLlYpOp Brand!) pool featuring a 7Seas pond for those who enjoy fishing!

She also has swimsuits in other colors, flip flops that are solid or dotted in colors to match her swimsuits and more, a gacha for flip flop earrings that are super adorable (but eaten by my hair in the pictures a little. Sorry. ;A;), and another gacha for attachable swim rings with three different poses; each of which were shown in my pictures here. The swim rings are fun because you can wade around in water even in areas that don't allow drops because of the positioning shown above. Each of her swimsuits come with an optional ruffle around the bust AND bottom parts to add a cute and girly flare. :]]D

I had a lot of fun with everything, so I hope you try to play with it too! Contact me in world to share looks! Chobii's the name! 



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