We found wonderland, you and I got lost in it and we pretended it could last forever~
Life was never worse, but never better; in wonderland.
Here I have a gorgeous winter bodycon dress by Cubic Cherry and a ritualistic set by Zombie Suicide that I'm trying to use to keep my womans forevah! :'D Bwahahahaha! Jk I want money... it's christmas time and I have a four year old, seven year old, and eleven year old I want to get things for!! RIP Send money to the chobii gets gifts for her nieces and nephews fund @ I'mjking.com. <3
Body Stuffs;
Kiyoha by Mudskin with Body applier by Studio Exposure
Lara by Maitreya T_T
Babyface by GENUS
Eun by Sitlinka W/Double add on Buns!
Haruhi Ears by Random Matter
Clothing Stuffs;
Andel Dress by Cubic Cherry
Extras && Accessories;
Steampunk Goggles in White by Zombie Suicide
Smooshface Puppers by Black Bantam
Skeleton Kitten by Black Bantam
Free Spitir by E.Marie
Alaskametro for Omega
((All her stuff looks good on GENUS so far. <3))
Decor is as follows.
Ritual Set by Zombie Suicide
Backdrop by Rama
Skullhead by Madpea
((Sorrty for the crap credits I reformatted and lost some stuff sooo I'm guessing! XD))
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