Monday, April 9, 2018

Mah Space!

A friend I've had since I was 15 is currently taking care of me. Under his care, he makes and keeps promises... which is weird for me. One of such promises was helping me get my office set up how I wanted so I could get back in to blogging and designing more comfortably! I've had it for over a month and go figure with the promise kept I am more productive! Not out of spite or anything but it's so cute I just love being here and doing my things!

I made a cute little office in SL to represent that and have been chilling in it while working on a few things, it was a FLF snag by Dust bunny, so it's only literally been a few days. XD The whole set up made me really happy and reminded me of my RL set up which I took a picture of for you guys! :*

Have a happy week! Tanoshi's got a new release AND we're in the Rotten Easter hunt with 5 different original mesh wins for you guys so blog posts will be a bit scarce this week as I continue working on that but I hope to try and see you guys once more! If not I'll be back after the hunt starts to show you the cuties and give you the info for cute items! <3 <3

Body Stuffs;

Kyoko in Mixed Type by DeeTalez
Subtle Freckles by Buzzeri (For Catwa)
Starry Eyes by Zombie Suicide
Maitreya w/hands & feet
Tala by Catwa W/ Custom shape by me
Ewa in Essentials by Blueberry
Stretched Ears season 2 by Mandala !!!New!!!

Clothing Stuffs;
Lil Santa Dress in White by Cubic Cherry !!Rare!!!Gacha!!!
Warm Up Sweater in Fade Blue W by Cubic Cherry !!Gacha!!!
Egg Leggings by Zombie Suicide !!Last Year Easter hunt item!!!

Extras && Accessories;
Willow Collar in Pastels by Zombie Suicide
::Neclace & Earrings::
Quarts Crystal Earrings and Necklace by Zombie Suicide !!Gacha!!!
Wrapped Devil Tail by Aii
Ashley Piercing & Medusa piercing by Zombie Suicide !!Unrigged!!
Unicorn Horn Forehead Decal by Black Bantam
Faze Horns by Cubic Cherry
Alvie Monocle by Cubic Cherry
Hacked gloved by Cubic Cherry
On Fleek Brows by Alaskametro
Bunny Blusher by Momochu
Drama Queen Make-up by Alaskametro for eyes
Love me Lipstick by Zombie Suicide for lips.


{Bottled toughts} sky opened .::Cubic Cherry Kre-ations::.
[ht:home] sushi plushie – tuna
Spring Reading by Dust Bunny
+Half-Deer+ Book Clutter - Shelved – Pastel
00[Cubic Cherry] {Meows} the doc (lay) REWARD !!Gacha!!!
Glam Affair - Cat Silhoutte !!Gacha!!!
*HEXtraordinary* Alien Abduction Lamp
(To show my love of cows. <3)
HIDEKI - Wall Ruler !!Gacha!!
*ionic* intento inflexible - papers on wall !!Gacha!!!
[Cubic Cherry] {School Time} book (rezz) pink
HPMD* Sunlight(2014) – a
+Half-Deer+ Soiree Curtains - White Lace - Tied L
.aisling. Bric-a-Brac Desk -desk blotter-
[Black Bantam] The Mini Backpack Lavendar
*BOOM* Super Magical Portable Internet Machine (kitty) !!Gacha?!!
02[Cubic Cherry] {Meows} the gamer (sitting) RARE !!Gacha!!
[Black Bantam] I <3 You Panda Heart Balloon Boy RARE !!Gacha!!
(He's kinda hidden I'll bring him out to play again.)
+Half-Deer+ Cuddly Tissue Box – Heart
[yen]SAKURAN-TypeD-Lblue&Pink !!Gacha!!!
[LJ] Sweet Welcome - Windchime – Lollipop
[Black Bantam] The Royal Headphones Silver
[Black Bantam] I <3 You Balloon Heart Decor Pink !!Gacha!!!
[ keke ] raw crystal chandelier – bright
dust bunny . round desk . Brown.
Apple Fall Shauna's Chair !!Gacha!!!
Pink Acid My Pet Peanut Squirrel Ash Brown RARE !!Gacha!!!
[LJ] Nabemono Set - Anthy – Plate
[Black Bantam] Cutie Kitty Burger (eat me)
[Black Bantam] I <3 French Fries Decor !!Gacha!!!
[Cubic Cherry] {Pizzaaa} carpet – pink
Sway's [Cozy Nook] rug . Letter !!Gacha!!!
Hayabusa Design - Fairy Willow Tree M16-1 v1-3 P1G
Enchanted Pond from Studio Skye V2


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