Thursday, March 17, 2016

Medieval Nightmares!

    Hallo lovies! I've been really sick so I've been in bed a lot. I haven't even had a voice for a week now!! I'm in bed most of the time, or curled up in my chair with blankets and tea watching netflix, but there have been some cute things coming out I wanted to show you guys! That plus I can't really just not tell anyone I'm sick except close friends and expect life to stop, ne? XDD I've really loved the stuff Zombie Suicide has been coming out with, make-ups and adorable accessories that make the darker sides of my heart happy, so I have some of that to show you today plus a bunch of stuff from Genre which is the medieval décor all around me. First thought I have is plague, which I feel like I have, so I've surrounded myself with medieval goodies! Also threw in some cuties from Black Bantam/Pink Acid, Epic, and Blah!! Deets below! Then back to snoozing for this human.


Body Stuffs;

Bennette in Latte by Pink Acid !!Catwa Applier!!
Melona in Chapter I: Earth by Spellbound
Eruda Eyes in Green/Purple from the Vivids/Lights pack by Paper Moon
Deluxe Body by The Mesh Project
Jessica by Catwa

Clothing Stuffs;
Juliaana Cropped top in Floral by Tee*Fy
Leo&Lace in Pink by Blah !!Coming @ Whore Couture Fair Round 2!!!
Heart.Breaker heels in Baby Pink by Epic !!New @ Whore Couture Fair!!

Extras && Accessories;
Poses by Glitter Burps
Fruity Lips in Watermelon by Zombie Suicide !!New @ Anybody!!!
Waloli-Kazari 5-Momo & 6-Momo by Siratama !!New @ CCB!!! !!!Gacha!!
Precious Necklace in Light by Ys&Ys
Kiersten Necklace by Zombie Suicide !!New @ Suicide Dollz!!!
Starry Candy Horns RARE by Bubble !!Gacha!!!
My Little Unicorn in Natural Horn Pink by Black Bantam !!New @ Kawaii Project!!!
Kawaii hoshi gag in White/Pink by Cubic Cherry Kre-Ations
Amalthea Tail in White/pink by Cubic Cherry Kre-Ations
Antoinette Nails in Rose by Moon Amore !!New @ Kustom 9!!!
Mesh Freckles layer by DeeTaleZ !!New @ Cosmetic's Fair!!!
Precious in Light by YS&Ys
Regally Caged Ring in Old Gold/Ruby by TSM !!New @ Genre!!!


*TSM* Noble Lady Painting - 03 - Click Frame to Change Texture !!New @ Genre!!!
.::DD:: Mirror Mirror !!New @ Genre!!!
.::DD:: Hope Chest !!New @ Genre!!!
[Black Bantam] My Sweet Valentine Female Owl – Pink
[ht:home] wrought iron sconce !!New @ Genre!!!
[Black Tulip] Medieval Low Table !!New @ Genre!!!
[Black Tulip] Medieval Empty Cup !!New @ Genre!!!
[Black Tulip] Medieval Empty Cups !!New @ Genre!!!
[Black Tulip] Medieval Candlestick !!New @ Genre!!!
:Z.S: Changing Room Screen
[DDD] Medieval Bench !!New @ Genre!!!

I hope this horrid cold hasn't gotten anyone else, and if it has get well soon so we can shop and have fun together again, ne? ^__^ Take care! Also no pictures were edited in the making of this post Ididn'tfeelwellenoughsorryandthankyoutheywerejustpiecedtogetherandcropped.



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