Saturday, August 15, 2015

Snack break! Omnomnom!

Long time no see, haha. I actually got messaged about being removed from a feed because I've been so inactive. That made my heart sink. I'm failing to deliver the cuteness to you guys, and I'm sorry. I know it'll appear that I just delved in to my own store and threw blogging to the way side, but it's honestly more because my inventory got cluttered and I have a hard time feeling... creative in a cluttered space. On top of that my health has been declining so it's taking a lot longer to get it all sorted out than I thought it would. On top and top and top of that, we got lovebug's orders and now have to pack up the whole house to move before November. So because of that, I'm announcing a little break. Sponsors, you each got individual Ncs explaining the situation, if SL ate yours and you're seeing this through here please IM me for the NC. <3 yew all. I'll be blogging as I can here and there depending on how I'm feeling, but this way I won't feel so horrible when I take a week or two break. I'm excited to catch up completely after moving though, and during the perfect time. I love fall!


Body Stuffs;

Airashi in latte by Pink Acid
Make-up from Ruiko called “Anime make-up” for TMP heads ALSO by Pink Acid/Lippies by Pink Acid as well. (I'm addicted to acid ok get off my case qq)
Honeydew in Browns by Oleander
Through the looking Glass in Purple/Green by Tanoshi !!New @ SL Vogue!!
Babydoll in Deluxe by The Shops
Starry Lashes by Lovely Alien
Flutter Falsies by Candy Mountain
Female body in Deluxe by The Mesh project

Clothing Stuffs;
::Kigurumi of love::
Tomchi Black Kigurumi by Melon Bunny !!Available @ main store!!!
(I missed the ship that sailed with these! They were at season story and so cute and comfy I'm always snuggled up on my platform in it. <3)

Extras && Accessories;

Classically Kinky's Hunt Gift Collar by Tanoshi !!New @ Classically Kinky. HUNT ITEM!!!
Dolly's Bowl w/poses in White by Tanoshi !!New @ Classically Kinky!!

Shameless self advertising because why not. :* More information about my goodies on the Tanoshi blog.


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